It is not uncommon to have doubts about what to do. "But we are a family. Why should I even bring this up? My child isn't asking about their birth parents so why should I? Am I just making a mountain out of a molehill? No one prepared me for how to handle this stuff. I want to help my child so I guess I have to talk to them about it? How can we leave out their birth family if we are doing a family tree? Their birth parents are their roots, they have a connection that existed before we entered their lives."
Here's an example of a situation that I came across recently. A child brought home a school assignment to create a family tree with apples, one for each member of the family. But two were missing--her daughter's birth mother and birth father. So, sensitively the parent asked her daughter how she wished to handle it. Initially, she just wanted to leave out her birth parents. But when they discussed the image of the tree and the implications of leaving out her birth parents, she changed her mind. Whatever she decided to do would have been fine with this parent, but she recalled that at age 5 a similar assignment had provided an opportunity to have a talk about adoption. She was able to capitalize on this potentially difficult emotional challenge to help her child organize and express her feelings and thoughts. These windows of opportunity can be opened along developmental lines so that children can sort out their thoughts, feelings & questions as they arise, organically.
How have others handled these types of projects??? Please share, we all need one another as there isn't a right or wrong way, just the best way for our child, our family and our schools.
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